【講座訊息】Probing gravity and its fundamental properties with radio pulsars

理學院天文與重力中心於 2023/03/01 邀請到任職於德國「馬克斯普朗克電波天文研究所」的 Paulo Freire 博士進行學術演講,分享在無線電波波段的波霎觀測結果,提供廣義相對論理論的測試,並與重力波觀測結果相比較,敬邀理學院師生同仁共襄盛舉。
CAG Special Seminar
Speaker: Dr. Paulo Freire (MPIfRA)
Title: Probing gravity and its fundamental properties with radio pulsars
Time: 2023/03/01 16:00
Venue: NTNU Gongguan campus General Hall B1 Auditorium
Abstract: Over the last few years, a set of new results from pulsar timing has not only introduced some of the most precise tests of general relativity (GR) carried out to date, but have also introduced  much tighter constraints on violations of the strong equivalence principle (SEP), a fundamental physical principle that is embodied by GR. This was done via a direct verification of the universality of free fall for a pulsar in a triple star system and with tests of the nature of gravitational waves, in particular a search for dipolar gravitational wave emission in a variety of binary pulsars. No deviations from the SEP have been detected in our experiments. These results introduce some of the most stringent tests of GR, which introduce the tightest constraints on several classes of alternative theories of gravity and complement recent results from the ground-based gravitational wave detectors.
天文與重力中心 專題演講講者:Dr. Paulo Freire (MPIfRA)
講題:Probing gravity and its fundamental properties with radio pulsars時間:2023/03/01 16:00
地點:師大公館校區 綜合館地下一樓演講廳 無需報名 自由入座


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【講座訊息】Probing gravity and its fundamental properties with radio pulsars