Courses for Master Degree Program​

Check “Regulations” for detailed rules.

I. Field Required Courses

There are four courses in “field elective courses” for each field, all courses are delivered every academic year. Master degree program students are required to complete at least two “field elective courses” from a elective field.

Communication Networks

  • Seminar on Communication Networks (I) and (II)
Field elective courses
  • Data Communication
  • Advanced Computer Networks
  • Distributed Processing Systems
  • Queuing Theory

Information Systems


  • Seminar on Information Systems (I) and (II)

Field elective courses

  • Advanced Operating Systems
  • Advanced Algorithms
  • Advanced Computer Architectures
  • Information Security

Multimedia Engineering


  • Seminar on Multimedia Engineering (I) and (II)

Field elective courses

  • Data Mining
  • Advanced Image Processing
  • Advanced Computer Graphics
  • Machine Learning

International students can complete any two courses conducted in English in the three fields as an alternative for the completion of field requirement courses.

II. Elective Courses

Student can choose freely what they want to complete in optional courses. However, not all courses are delivered every academic year. The (U, M, D) marks after the course name, if exists, means that the course is held for Undergraduate, Master, Doctor programs respectively.

  • Special Topic: Information Systems (I)
  • Special Topic: Communication Networks (I)
  • Special Topic: Multimedia Engineering (I)
  • Computer Vision(M, D)
  • Fuzzy Theory (M, D)
  • Pattern Recognition (M, D)
  • Artificial Neural Network (M, D)
  • Parallel Algorithms (M, D)
  • Theory of Computation (M, D)*
  • Speech Recognition (M, D)*
  • Stochastic Processes (M, D)
  • Multimedia System Design (M, D)*
  • Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (U, M)
  • Web Computing and XML (U, M)
  • Wireless Communications (U, M)*
  • Trends and Practices in Information Technology Industry (U, M)
  • Meta-heuristics and Problem Solving (U, M)
  • Data Visualization (U, M)
  • Introduction to Internet of Things (U, M)*
  • Advanced Database Systems (M, D)
  • Embedded System Design (M, D)
  • Information Retrieval and Extraction (M, D)*
  • Data Compression (M, D)
  • Digital Signal Processing (M, D)
  • Concrete Mathematics (M, D)
  • Bioinformatics (M, D)
  • Natural Language Processing (M, D)
  • Speech Processing (U, M)
  • Compiler Design (U, M)
  • Computer-Aided Design for VLSI Design (U, M)*
  • Information Security: A Hands-On Approach (U, M)
  • Cyber-Physical Systems (U, M)
  • Projects in Computer Music and Audio Technology (U, M)
  • Real-time Systems (U, M)